Britannia Terrace Houghton Le Spring Tyne And Wear DH4 6HL

0191 500 5958

Dubmire Primary Academy

Proud to be part of Aim High Academy Trust


Subject Lead- Mrs Kane

Here at Dubmire we strive to provide every child with a solid foundation in musical skills and seek to build every child’s love of music through high quality musical experiences both within and outside school. Each week children participate in a range of musical experiences, building up their confidence at the same time. They develop their understanding of rhythm and pitch and learn how music is structured, as well as learning technical vocabulary for these elements. We follows a spiral approach to musical learning, with children revisiting, building and extending their knowledge and skills incrementally. In this manner, their learning is consolidated and augmented, increasing musical confidence and enabling them to go further. Our Music Curriculum is designed to ensure that children are exposes to the model music approach of singing, listening, composing and performance/instrumental performance.

In our Early Years Foundation Stage:
• Children are encouraged to join in with simple songs and phrases
• Children are encouraged to join in with ring games and move to music through dance expressing themselves freely.
• Percussion instruments and objects are provided to encourage a range of shaking, tapping, banging and blowing.
• Listen to a range of music and sounds making choices and preferences about what they like/ dislike.
• Children are encouraged to perform confidently through class assemblies, Christmas performances and on other occasions for parents and visitors.

In Key stage 1 and 2:

KS1 units are organized into 6 and 3 lesson blocks. The unit are based on 40 minute lessons. The first unit in the autumn term for year 1 and 2 includes a progression snapshot activity that is returned to in spring and summer terms to help track and evidence pupils’ progress. The KS2 units are organized in to 6 and 3 lesson blocks. The units are based on 50 minutes lessons. The first unit in the autumn for all KS2 year groups include a progression snapshot activity that is returned to in the spring and summer terms to help track and evidence pupils progress.

The 6 week units are based around a song and the musical learning flows from the features of the piece. Taking integrated approach these units combine singing and playing, listening and appraising as well as some improvising and composing. The three week units are grouped in pairs to cover a half term. They heavily focus on composing/ improvising or on listening and appraising. These units aim to develop skills in improvising and composing and to support pupils to find their own creative voice. The listen and appraise units vary, with some focusing on active ways to listen for deeper and pore internalized experience (through movement, dance or art activates) Other units aim to develop and support pupils’ understanding of cultural, social and historical context of music, drawing from broad and diverse range of musical traditions and cultures.

End points
By the end of key stage 2, pupils should be able to:
1. Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency,
control and expression
2. Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music
3. Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory
4. Use and understand staff and other musical notations
5. Appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great
composers and musicians
6. Develop an understanding of the history of music.

Musical enriched provision

Throughout the school year , we provide opportunities for children in Key stage 2 to attend after school clubs in; choir, performing arts and glockenspiels. They also have the opportunity to advance their musical skills by taking up a musical instrument; Violins, guitars or drums. Children have the chance to expand their vocals skills even further in our weekly Choir assemblies.

Musical experiences

School Music performances 

Pantomime visits

Christmas performances

Community singing at Houghton Feast

Choir performances outside of school- Infantasia, The Big Sing





Curriculum Documents 

 Dumbmire Primary Music Overview.pdfDownload
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 Skills progression document new.pdfDownload
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Useful Websites 

Log in to Charanga's student platform to access lessons or homework set by your teacher.

Explore a range of different songs to sing along with at home. Sing to help you learn, cheer you up or just have fun!

BBC music gives opportunities to sing, take part in music activities and appraise music in relation to popular infant topics such as traditional tales and famous people. 
