Britannia Terrace Houghton Le Spring Tyne And Wear DH4 6HL

0191 500 5958

Dubmire Primary Academy

Proud to be part of Aim High Academy Trust

Year 3 Class Page

Welcome to the class page for Year 3

Using the web page, we plan to share and celebrate the successes and achievements of the children throughout the year. Below, we have provided some links for different websites that can be accessed at home.

Remember to keep logging into Times Table Rock Stars, Spelling ShedDuolingo, Accelerated Reader, Oxford Owl and Letter-join.

 Class Dojo can be used for communication between teachers and parents during school time. Children can also use the portfolio section of Dojo to upload any work they want to share with us. We would love to see what you are up to at home. 

How to access Class Dojo


You are all doing amazingly with your home learning. The work being uploaded to your Dojo Portfolios is amazing too. You're all superstars. Keep up the great work! 


Completed homework should be uploaded to your child's Portfolio on Class Dojo.

To assist with reading at home, we are introducing ‘epic!’, which is a fantastic, online reading resource. The American site enables children to read a variety of texts which they would ordinarily be able to choose from bookshelves in school. Click here for a list of books available on the 'epic!' website which can also be tested on Accelerated Reader.

Oxford Owl also provide a range of eBooks which the children can access and read at home. Tests for some of the titles are also available on Accelerated Reader.

Use the link below Accelerated Reader by following this link:

Login information for all of the websites has been shared by class teacher over Class Dojo.

New #TeamDubs Times Table Rock Stars competitions started on Friday 28th May. Remember to use Rock Slam mode to challenge your friends and teachers.


Make sure you are logging onto Spelling Shed and joining in with the latest competitions which started on Friday 28th May. Remember, you can challenge your friends to a Hive game.


Remember to log into Letter-join so you can keep practising your handwriting. We love giving out pen licences.



For our first topic of the year, we are learning about the first people who lived in Britain. As part of this we will be studying to test ‘Stone Age Boy



Here are the resources for this week's Spanish Lesson:







Art and DT